This event has expired.
No tsunami threat to B.C.
Updated on
Current situation
A 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred near Eureka, California. There is NO tsunami threat to BC.
Earthquake summary
Local time
10:44:24 PDT
7.0 (revised)
8.00 miles
45 miles SW of Eureka, California
Earthquake and tsunami data sources
Environment Canada Alerts
View Tsunami Notification Zones on an interactive map.
National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC)
Find international information and alerts on earthquakes and tsunamis.
Natural Resources Canada
Find information on earthquakes in Canada, including magnitude, location, time, and felt reports.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Find international information on earthquakes from USGS
Tsunami threat levels
Flood wave possible. Full evacuation suggested.
Strong currents likely. Stay away from the shore.
Danger level not yet known. Stay alert for more information
Information Statement
Minor waves at most. No action suggested.
Tidal gauges show no wave activity. Confirm safety for local areas.
Know your Tsunami Notification Zones
Zone A
North Coast and Haida Gwaii
Zone B
Central Coast and Northeast Vancouver Island Coast including Kitimat, Bella Coola, and Port Hardy
Zone C
West Coast of Vancouver Island from Cape Scott to Port Renfrew
Zone D
Juan de Fuca Strait from Jordan River to Greater Victoria (including the Saanich Peninsula)
Zone E
Strait of Georgia (including the Gulf Islands)
Greater Vancouver and Johnstone Strait