Information about this event has moved.
BC Emergency Alert and Evacuation Order issued by Cariboo Regional District and District of Wells
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Current information about this event has moved: The Cariboo Regional District and the District of Wells issued a BC Emergency Alert and Evacuation Order for the District of Wells, Barkerville, the Bowron Lakes Community, and the west side of the Bowron Lakes chain. Wildfires in the area posed a threat to human life. Impacted residents needed to evacuate immediately.

EMERGENCY ORDER issued by the Cariboo Regional District and District of Wells due to Wildfire.
Evacuate immediately if you are in the following areas: District of Wells, Barkerville Area, Bowron Lakes Community, and the west side of the Bowron Lakes chain.
Wildfires in the area pose a threat to human life.
Evacuate west on Highway 26 to Quesnel, B.C. If you are being evacuated from your primary residence, an evacuee reception center is open at the Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Centre located at 500 North Star Road. Visitors to the area are advised to leave the area.
If you are unable to evacuate, call the District of Wells at 250-991-1155 or the Regional District at 1-866-759-4977. For more info: